Wednesday, August 25, 2010

a sweet suprise...

A couple days ago, a gentleman came in and was asking us if we could help him fix his unemployment claim, and we said we'd try, but we weren't certain if we would be able to or not.

After working on the situation for several minutes, and playing phone tag with my supervisor, we finally got the situation fixed. To say the man was releaved and happy, is an understatement. I'm pretty sure he could have done a jig. He repeatedly thanked us for the help, and kept saying he owed us a burger or something. We told him you know, No, it was our job, we were happy to do it, and so on and so on.

The next day I was out of my office for a second, and when I came back, I had a brown papersack waiting for me. Inside was a huge piece of chocolate covered cheesecake (similar to the one pictured above). I asked Todd, my coworker, what this was for. He said that guy we helped the day before came in and brought us both one, to thank us for the help we gave him the day prior. It was completely unexpected, but really awesome! I took a couple of bites, and had to put the rest up because it was so rich, but it was, and is delicious!

We don't get a lot of people in here that are happy, mainly because by the time they get to us, they've tried our phone system, and have met dead end, after dead end on Unemployment. I say that to say this; I really appreciated what the guy did for us. I'm not expecting or wanting this to happen all the time, by any means, but it's nice to know that we at least were able to help one person that day, and that they really appreciated our service! It was a great way to balance out the negativity we usually come up against!


  1. that looks sooooo good! cheesecake on a stick, who would have thought :)
